Saturday, July 12, 2008

Margdarshan - Vishakha Patel.


Akhil TV: hi young lady !!
Akhil TV: how r u ?
Akhil TV: did not see BUSY icon ....
Akhil TV: so thought to give u a halo !!!
Vishakha Patel: lol
Vishakha Patel: Hi I am fine...
Vishakha Patel: Hws U ?
Vishakha Patel: Yep it's Satday ..
Akhil TV: is it coz today is Saturday ?
Akhil TV: so u work 5 days a week ??
Akhil TV: grt
Vishakha Patel: Yep !
Akhil TV: we have crossed 100 on the project Margdarshan
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Vishakha Patel: Congrats !
Akhil TV: and was creating a detailed webpage .... to promote..
Akhil TV: wanna see ?
Vishakha Patel: Sure !
Akhil TV: though its yet not finished..
Akhil TV: but you can give ur ideas..
Akhil TV:
Vishakha Patel: Hey can I join Ur team ?
Vishakha Patel:
Akhil TV: sure by all means
Vishakha Patel: Wht I ll hv to do for that ?
Akhil TV: lol
Vishakha Patel: lol
Akhil TV: work !!! with us !!!
Vishakha Patel: How ?
Akhil TV: Vishakha we will be enguageing our selves in Training Children in Gujarat on Subjects/Topics as mentioned on the page
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Akhil TV: have you reached the page ?
Vishakha Patel: Yep a long ago..
Akhil TV: fine
Vishakha Patel: But I dont find subjects anywhere there..
Vishakha Patel:
Akhil TV: let me explain you from the top ..
Vishakha Patel: K.
Akhil TV: 1..2..and 3 ...are self explanatory
Vishakha Patel: Hmm..
Akhil TV: scroll down ..... through ...
Akhil TV: vision
Akhil TV: mission
Akhil TV: aim
Vishakha Patel: Hmm..
Akhil TV: ...... stop GOAL
Vishakha Patel: Fine..
Akhil TV: are self explanatory
Vishakha Patel: I am at Vision still...
Akhil TV: How to get ..... will give you answer
Akhil TV: ok am waiting till u r done
Vishakha Patel: Me done..
Vishakha Patel: Go ahead...
Akhil TV: fine
Akhil TV: any question so far ?
Vishakha Patel: No I think I am thru..
Akhil TV: fine
Akhil TV: Read .... How to get informed ... inspired and involved...
Vishakha Patel: K.
Akhil TV: and I hope you will get answer to your question.
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Vishakha Patel: Akhil... I wud like to join...
Akhil TV: any q ?
Vishakha Patel: Sincerely.
Vishakha Patel: But the thing is, I can do it only for the week-ends...
Akhil TV: sure I will be happy to welcome you...
Vishakha Patel: N if it's in Mumbai or Surat.
Akhil TV: Read ..... " To get Involved..."
Vishakha Patel: I did..
Akhil TV: grt...
Vishakha Patel: Do inform me if U hv anything in Mumbai / Surat.
Akhil TV: sure...
Vishakha Patel: Tx ..
Akhil TV: we have in many places
Vishakha Patel: I knw...
Akhil TV: scroll down to ..
Akhil TV: focus
Akhil TV: program outline
Akhil TV: and Major Points for Discussion .... read them carefully
Vishakha Patel: Sure.
Akhil TV: then ...... Key areas of developing Understanding.
Vishakha Patel: Hmm..
Akhil TV: give a thought to our methodology
Akhil TV: 25 district places in Gujarat are on my list at present
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Akhil TV: any question ??
Vishakha Patel: Nope it's self-explanatory...
Vishakha Patel:
Akhil TV: fine..
Akhil TV: scroll down...
Vishakha Patel: Hmm..
Akhil TV: the team ...
Akhil TV: will very shortly uplink my LISTEN TO AKHIL SUTARIA ....
Akhil TV: using Gujarati
Akhil TV: hindi
Akhil TV: and english
Akhil TV: wht we are talking now.. may be with little more info..
Akhil TV: now that you have come to a juction where you have to be more specific
Vishakha Patel: I cant view that vedio...
Akhil TV: its not the video..
Vishakha Patel: Ohh
Akhil TV: it will be audio mp3 files... which will be uplined later.. but very soon
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Vishakha Patel: Shall I fill in that form ?
Vishakha Patel:
Akhil TV: wait a min...... you seems to be very very enthusiastic !!!
Akhil TV: its good to be one..
Akhil TV: but
Vishakha Patel: lol
Vishakha Patel: I am juz kidding.. Go ahead...
Akhil TV: be carefull very very must not be "over"
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Vishakha Patel: U go ahead..
Akhil TV: now that you have come to a juction where you have to be more specific .....
Vishakha Patel: Hmm...
Vishakha Patel: ?
Akhil TV: Choose one..... If you are interested and -
Vishakha Patel: From wht ?
Akhil TV: there are six options
Vishakha Patel: I dint click on the form...
Vishakha Patel: Wait..
Akhil TV: you can even read these options on the page right below the podcast box.
Vishakha Patel: Hmm..
Vishakha Patel: I did...
Vishakha Patel: Hey but more than 1 option falls true for me....
Akhil TV: what did u do ?
Vishakha Patel: Na like I am confused...
Akhil TV: you need to pick only one which you think is best among all.
Vishakha Patel:
Vishakha Patel: I want to select minimum 4.
Vishakha Patel:
Akhil TV: I dont want to have jack of all and master of none..
Vishakha Patel: lol
Akhil TV: choose one ... the best you think you can be at...
Vishakha Patel: It's not that...
Akhil TV: and for other three... you can assist people
Vishakha Patel:
Akhil TV: I know how r u feeling right now..
Akhil TV: but.... I have churned this thought for more than a month
Vishakha Patel: Hmmm...
Akhil TV: and arrived at this conclussion
Vishakha Patel: Yes but...
Vishakha Patel:
Akhil TV: dont be sentimental
Akhil TV: be professional
Vishakha Patel: I am professional...
Akhil TV: I want to know the core strength of an individual
Vishakha Patel: With all my genuinity I want to select 4.
Vishakha Patel: See I ll explain in a lil more detail...
Akhil TV: I appreciate that
Akhil TV: but
Vishakha Patel: 1. I want to b a part of this movement - Yes I do. I only asked U if I cud join right ?
Vishakha Patel: 2. I want to Earn n Learn - Sure.
Akhil TV: hm
Vishakha Patel: 3. I want to lead others towards progress - Very much. I wud like to contribute towards society with my limited knowledge n resources.
Vishakha Patel: 4. I want to donate - With whtever little I can.
Vishakha Patel: The rest two...
Vishakha Patel: I think Fund-raising is not smthing I am gud at..
Vishakha Patel: N Akhil Sutaria... I hv met personally so it's no longer applicable...
Vishakha Patel:
Vishakha Patel: Nw U only tell me...
Vishakha Patel: Which one I shud pick up ?
Akhil TV: nice...... that you have spent some time on thinking and reproducing these line here
Vishakha Patel: lol
Akhil TV: See for an example of your self ... You were informed to Vote in favour of this project some time back. I guess, you must have read the details of the project Margdarshan as given on the page .. ( now it is available at ) whuch has inspired you ..... to an extent that today at the end of our conversation you have expressed that you want to get Involved !!!

We wish every young person to offer his/her head + heart + hand for this project so that together we can Transform LOCAL children into GLOBAL citizens.